Westminster Nutrition, Jessica Iannotta, and this website do not provide a substitute for medical advice from a licensed doctor, physician advanced, practice, nurses or other medical professionals. The information provided through or in this website pertaining to your health or any other aspect of your life is not intended to replace or substitute any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment given to you by your direct medical provider or healthcare team. Always discuss your medical conditions with your healthcare team and seek advice about your specific health conditions and any medications, herbs or supplements that you are currently taking before implementing any recommendations or advice from this website or registered dietitian.

Do not delay seeking medical advice and do not disregard medical advice due to information obtained from this website. If you suspect that you have a medical health problem, contact your medical provider or healthcare team. Information contained on this website has not been reviewed or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other government entity. Always check with your doctor before starting any new diet exercise or supplement regimen.